
عن بندة

بدأت رحلة بنده من متجر صغير وسط مدينة الرياض حتى أصبحت أحد أكبر تجار التجزئة في المملكة.

في أواخر السبعينات من القرن الماضي تحديداً عام 1978 تم افتتاح أول أسواق بنده في مدينة الرياض؛ لتصبح أحد أهم التجار في قطاع البيع بالتجزئة في المملكة السعودية. في عام 1994، اندمجت شركة بنده مع شركة العزيزية لتصبح بمسمى العزيزية بنده المتحدة. وبعدها في عام 1998، استحوذت مجموعة صافولا، الشركة الغذائية الرائدة في مجال البيع بالتجزئة، على شركة العزيزية بنده المتحدة؛ لتُحدث قفزة في التوسع والنمو.

في عام 2001، حازت بنده على أكبر حصة تجارية في قطاع التجزئة السعودي وتحقيق رقماً قياسياً جديداً في جودة الأداء وتجاوزت خطة رأس المال المستهدف وهو 8 مليارات ريال سعودي.

ابحث عن وظائف من خيارات القائمة أدناه

جد وظيفة احلامك اليوم.

أنا مهتم ب

لماذا بنده خيارك الأول


التوزان بين العمل والحياة هو أهم سلوب ينبغي على كل موظف اتباعه ليحافظ على صحة حياته وسعادته وقوته ونشاطه للعمل. 

الاحتفاظ بالموظفين وولاءهم أمر مهم يقودنا إلى النجاح المشترك. لذلك، نعرب عن تقديرنا واحترامنا لموظفينا مقابل جهدهم من مزايا التوازن بين العمل والحياة. إضافةً إلى ذلك، يتم الإعلان عن موظفينا المتميزين بشكل منتظم من خلال مكافآت الأداء السنوية ومراجعات الأداء والتطوير الوظيفي التي تتم كل عام .

يحصل موظفوا بنده على مزايا إضافية مقابل العمل الإضافي، مواقع عمل، ساعات عمل مرنة، مهام مؤقتة، وكذلك يتم تقديم مزايا أخرى لموظفي بنده من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاص على أدائهم وجهدهم طوال العام.

لأننا نعلم ان نجاحنا يبدأ من موظفينا، نحن نقدم لهم حزمة شاملة من المزايا والحوافز

رؤية ورسالة بنده

ثقافة بيئة العمل

يعتمد نجاحنا على العمل الجماعي وسرعة الإنجاز لدى جميع أعضاء فريقنا، من المقر الرئيسي إلى كل موظف في فروعنا. نثق بكل فرد من أفرادنا ، ونؤمن بأن الجميع يستشعر المسؤولية نحو النجاح. نقدر تفاني منسوبينا وجهودهم في تنفيذ أنشطة الشركة كل يوم، نثني عليهم ونقوم بتشجيعهم ، ويحرص فريقنا على بناء علاقات تكامل وتضامن في بيئة عمل منظمة وممتعة، نكتسب ثقتنا ببعضنا من خلال التواصل والتعاون مع الجميع. بأذرع ممدودة وقلوب مفتوحة، نرحب بكل من سعى ليكون عضوا فاعلا في تحقيق أهداف شركتنا وتحقيق السمو والرفعة سواء كان موظفا أو عميلا أو موردا


مجتمع مهني متماسك نتطلع إلى خلق مجتمع من الشباب الواعد الذي يعكس قيم العمل في شركة بنده، بحيث يتميز كل فرد بالسمات العالية في التعامل على الصعيد الشخصي والعملي، ويملك تطلعات مهنية كبيرة وأحلام يسعى لتحقيقها. كل ذلك مرتكزاً على حرصنا على تسخير موظفينا في تقديم خدمة متميزة وفريدة لجميع عملائنا.



فريق يتمتع بالولاء وشعور قوي بالانتماء
في بنده.. قصص النجاح مدفوعة بالإصرار بلا حدود في بيئة عمل تنافسية تُحفز على النجاح والإبداع وتدعم موظفيها في تطورهم الوظيفي والشخصي


1- المسؤولية نؤمن بأن الشغف مع المسؤولية هما الدافع نحو التميز و النجاح.
2- العناية بالعملاء في بنده نسعى الى رضاء عملائنا وسعادتهم هي غايتنا
3- العمل الجماعي نعلم ان نجاحنا يعتمد على العمل الجماعي و نؤمن بالثقة والتماسك في جميع الظروف
4- النزاهة نؤمن بأن نجاح أعمالنا يستند أساساً على نزاهتنا
5- سرعة الإنجاز
نؤمن بالمبادرة في سرعة انجاز المهام لضمان التميز والنجاح


نعمل معًا، ننجز معًا، نكسب معًا..
تمتلك شركة بنده اليوم إحدى أكبر القوى العاملة في المملكة والشرق الأوسط، حيث يصل عدد موظفينا إلى أكثر من 18,000 موظفا في فروعنا ومراكز التوزيع والمكاتب حول المملكة. معايير اختيار الموظفين الخاصة بنا تعتمد على ثقافتنا والقيم الأساسية والمبادئ الخاصة بنا، ويتم اختيار الموظفين على أسس مهنية واحترافية، نسعى لاستقطاب من يؤمنون بالتدريب والتطوير ومن لديهم الدافع للإنتاج، المحبين للعمل ، والقادرون على التكيف في بيئة عمل محفزة على التواصل المفتوح و العمل الجماعي.

الوظائف المتوفرة

Senior Auditor


Job Summary: The Senior Compliance Auditor will be responsible for conducting comprehensive reviews and audits of the company's support functions, including HR, Finance, Customer Experience (CXR) Office, Commercial, Procurement, and other departments. This role is pivotal in ensuring that all operations and business practices adhere to regulatory requirements, internal policies, and industry standards.   Key Responsibilities:   Audit Planning and Execution:   - Develop and implement audit plans for support functions, ensuring alignment with company objectives and compliance requirements.     - Conduct thorough audits to assess the effectiveness of internal controls, risk management, and governance processes.   Compliance Monitoring:   - Regularly review company policies and procedures to ensure compliance with local laws, regulations, and industry standards.     - Identify areas of non-compliance and recommend corrective actions to mitigate risks.   Reporting and Documentation:   - Prepare detailed audit reports summarizing findings, conclusions, and recommendations.     - Maintain comprehensive documentation of audit processes, findings, and follow-up actions.   Stakeholder Engagement:   - Collaborate with department heads and senior management to communicate audit results and drive implementation of recommended improvements.     - Provide guidance and support to departments in enhancing their compliance practices.   Continuous Improvement:   - Stay updated with changes in regulations and industry best practices to ensure ongoing compliance.     - Proactively identify opportunities for process improvements and contribute to the development of compliance training programs.     Qualifications:   - Education: Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Finance, Business Administration, or a related field. Professional certifications such as CPA, CIA, or CISA are highly desirable.     - Experience:Minimum of 3 years of experience in, accounting, finance, and/or compliance auditing, preferably within the FMCG retail industry.    

Quality Technical Senior Manager


Job Purpose Lead and manage Quality Technical activities across all regions in order to ensure that all activities are in conformance with the expected regional Quality standards, and continuously strive to improve the Quality and value of Quality Technical Management Systems.   Strategic Contribution  - Participate and contribute to the development and refinement of Panda Quality short and long-term strategy and ensure it is properly translated into technical plans for Panda Quality Technical Requirement. - Support building the Quality Technical requirement development, that aligned with the Company strategy, by ensuring that Panda’s relevant long and short-term plans are effectively converted into the appropriate functional objectives.   Leadership  - Lead the effective achievement of the Quality Technical unit objectives by setting individual objectives, managing performance, developing, and motivating employees to maximize individual and functional performance.  - Coordinate the activities of the team to ensure that all work is carried out efficiently, in line with the annual business plans, policies and procedures.  - Ensure proper implementation of the functional strategy by managing the day-to-day operations of the Quality technical unit, providing guidance, encouraging teamwork, and facilitating delivery of work processes to achieve high performance standards.     Product Quality & NPI Management: - Develop and maintain Product specification standards across Panda’s Products (e.g. Private Label and Fresh) and services and ensuring it is in compliance with regulation, local and international requirement. - Establish the execution of Product Quality evaluation to ensure product conformance for business continuity and consumer safety. - Drive Product Quality through New Product Introduction (NPI) program to ensure the compliance of product to Panda’s standard.

وظائف شاغرة ينبع


دوام كامل

نؤمن أن العمل ليس مجرّد مكان تذهب إليه كل صباح، بل ينبغي أن يكون مكانًا ملائمًا للاكتشاف والابداع وتطوير المهارات، فلابد لمن يعمل في بنده أن يترك بصمته في العمل ويكون عضوًا فعالاً فيها. إذا كنت تتسم بالحماس والمسؤولية والدافع الذاتي للتعلم والتطور بالإضافة إلى الانضباط والقدرة على التكيف والعمل ضمن فريقٍ واحد، فانضم لفريق بنده اليوم لتخطو أولى خطواتك على مسارك المهني الناجح.

PR & CSR Senior Manager


Job Purpose To strategically lead and operationalize Panda's public relations, customer care, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, ensuring consistent and high-impact media representation, fostering strong customer relationships, and driving community engagement. This role involves developing and executing comprehensive PR strategies, managing customer care operations, and collaborating with stakeholders to deliver impactful CSR programs, all while mentoring and coaching the team to achieve business objectives.   Key Accountabilities - Strategically ensure a consistent, timely, high-impact, and accurate representation of Panda in the media and get Panda's voice heard through direct engagement with regional press and third-party PR teams to engage local media, while coaching the team on best practices. - Lead and operationalize the development and implementation of an end-to-end PR strategy for the KSA market and get domain authority and retain Panda's positioning through strategic planning, hands-on execution, and mentoring junior team members. - Support and manage PR campaigns and get Panda's culture and operations showcased through coordinating various initiatives designed to highlight the people behind Panda, while providing guidance and feedback to the team. - Oversee customer care operations and get a strong voice of the customer through managing a dedicated team member and ensuring effective communication and feedback mechanisms. - Lead CSR programs and get impactful community engagement through identifying opportunities and aligning with our mission. - Facilitate with stakeholders and manage and deliver CSR programs through establishing relationships with regional non-profits and advocacy groups.

Investigation Officer - Riyadh


دوام كامل

Job Purpose: Gather Evidence relating to active investigations Job Accountabilities: Conducting and Reporting Investigation ResultsConduct the Fraud Investigation ProgramAdhere to the Investigation Manual while conducting all stages of an investigationPrepare working papers to adequately document investigations performed with supporting evidence for all forensic findingsWhere applicable, analyze data to provide insight for the investigationInterview suspects/ witnesses in a professional and courteous manner to obtain information based on identified evidencePrepare reports in a manner that is clear and supported by evidence and which summarizes conclusions, findings, and recommendations on employee disciplinary action and control enhancements Other PointsKeep organized files of all casesStaying abreast of new developments in the field and the law Assists in special projects as assigned by the Investigation Supervisor.

Safety Supervisor.Health & Safety - Central


Job Purpose: Safety supervisors are responsible for ensuring that Store/DC is in compliance with all safety-related regulatory requirements, and Environmental Protection. Considering the company safety policy and objectives.   Key Accountabilities: - Regularly review and be familiar with all applicable legislation and applicable standards to ensure compliance. - Provide support to the Regional Safety Manager by maintaining a visible presence on the field performing - Site visits to the entire Store / DC at least once per shift, - Follow Up on all Safety equipment & ensuring a Maintenance plan is adhered to - Daily safety inspection done using a standardized check list - Daily safety inspection program management- ensure weekly / monthly / annual reports are prepared, submitted to DC H&S Manager on time - Ensure that all incidents are reported immediately. - Ensure incident corrective actions are followed up on and completed. - Support the Regional Safety Manager on updating the Accidents, Incidents & Near Misses on the Dashboard. - Assist the Regional Safety Manager in conducting investigations. - Assist with developing HSE plans that comply with Company policies and procedures. - Ensure training, toolbox meetings, and drills are implemented as part of the company’s EHS program.

Investigation Officer


Job Purpose Gather Evidence relating to active investigations   Functional Accountabilities:   Conducting and Reporting Investigation Results Conduct the Fraud Investigation Program Adhere to the Investigation Manual while conducting all stages of an investigation Prepare working papers to adequately document investigations performed with supporting evidence for all forensic findings Where applicable, analyze data to provide insight for the investigation Interview suspects/ witnesses in a professional and courteous manner to obtain information based on identified evidence Prepare reports in a manner that is clear and supported by evidence and which summarizes conclusions, findings, and recommendations on employee disciplinary action and control enhancements   Other Points Keep organized files of all cases Staying abreast of new developments in the field and the law Assist in special projects as assigned by the investigation supervisor

Security Operation Command Room Manager


Job Purpose To oversee and manage the Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) system effectively to ensure the security and safety of the stores, employees, and customers. Controlling & Monitoring activities throughout the organization, including retail areas, storage areas, and working areas to prevent theft & vandalism. Functional Responsibilities:     - Maintaining and troubleshooting the CCTV system: This includes ensuring all cameras are operational, recordings are functioning properly, and the system is up to date with security patches and software updates.     - Managing access control: Granting and revoking access to CCTV footage based on authorization levels and adhering to data privacy regulations.     - Conducting regular system audits and inspections: Verifying the system's effectiveness and identifying any potential vulnerabilities or areas for improvement     - Monitoring live camera feeds: Identifying suspicious activity and taking appropriate action, such as notifying security personnel or law enforcement.     - Investigating incidents: Reviewing recorded footage to identify individuals involved in theft, vandalism, or other criminal activity, and providing evidence to law enforcement as needed.     - Developing and implementing loss prevention strategies: Using CCTV footage to analyze theft patterns and trends and recommending measures to deter shoplifting and other losses.         - Ensuring compliance with relevant data privacy regulations:Implementing procedures for data retention, access control, and secure disposal of footage.     - Generating reports:Summarizing security incidents, system performance data, and access control logs for management review.     - Collaborating with loss prevention teams and law enforcement:Providing LP & Law enforcement teams with relevant CCTV footage and information to assist in investigations.     - Training staff on CCTV procedures:Educating employees on how to use the system effectively and report suspicious activity.     - Staying informed about emerging security threats and technologies:Regularly researching and evaluating new solutions to enhance the CCTV system's effectiveness.     - Budgeting and resource management:Overseeing the budget allocated for CCTV maintenance, upgrades, and training.     - Inspection survey & Evaluation of Equipment's’ functionality: To ensure that on duty control room an inspection survey in all shifts to evaluate equipment’s functionality, Immediate report issuance subjected to maintenance of equipment's.